
How to handle toxic players in TTRPGs (like DnD 5e)

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Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) is renowned for its immersive storytelling and collaborative gameplay. However, like any social activity, it can sometimes be plagued by disruptive players who behave in a toxic and/or hostile way, creating a negative atmosphere for everyone involved.

Dealing with such problematic individuals is crucial to maintain the fun of your DnD campaign, as well as in your TTRPGs games. In this article explores seven effective strategies for managing hostile and toxic players and create a positive gaming experience.

What are the toxic behaviors you might encounter in DnD 5e

Much like radiation, the aftermath of a toxic player’s presence starts with minor symptoms that can swiftly escalate to catastrophic levels.
Here are the five red flags for a toxic behavior in your TTRPG Game:

  1. Back-seat DMing: Consider it a red flag if a player constantly takes charge of rule interpretation or dictates other players’ actions. While offering advice might be useful in some instances, particularly for an inexperienced DM, too much suggestion will definetely damage the gaming experience.
  2. The Player does not accept outcomes: Whether they occasionally reroll due to a “dropped” die or argue that slight variations in skill checks shouldn’t matter, these behaviors point to a player prioritizing personal success over character development and storytelling. This is often a red flag that indicates a focus on wish-fulfillment rather than genuine engagement in what should be a cooperative gameplay. Everyone wants its character to be cool in every situation, but the best RPGs’ stories are built not only on successes, but also on failure.
  3. Rushing Scenarios: We’ve all encountered this situation—an intricate puzzle lies before the group, and the wizard invests time to solve it, only for a disruptive player to impatiently trigger a calamity. If the character’s decision-making doesn’t align with their established intelligence, it becomes apparent that this player’s desires supersede the group’s collective interests.
  4. Sexist or Derogatory Behavior: this is probably one of the biggest indicators of a toxic behaviour. Sometimes players use their “evil characters” to manifest their darkest fantasies and uses it to express sexist and/or derogatory behavior.
  5. Living Out Frightening Fantasies: there is an interesting example reported by a DM, in which he had an incident involving a player, whom he’ll refer to as “J”, during a World of Darkness campaign that is in an apocalyptic scenario. This apocalyptic scenario had each player embodying themselves in the narrative. J’s character attempted to coerce a female NPC into a distressing situation, displaying an alarming lack of respect for boundaries. When confronted, J justified this by dismissing it as a consequence-free apocalypse decision. Such actions exemplify a player who prioritizes their disturbing fantasies over the comfort of others and the collaborative essence of the game.
  6. Being too much chaotic: this example comes directly from a player that I often encounter, who often chooses a “Chaotic” alignment and stretched beyond the common perceptions, deliberately pursuing actions that diverge from the party’s objectives or that endanger the group for the sake of irrationality. While this can be entertaining to some degree, it can disrupt the narrative and party cohesion. For instance, imagine a party working diligently to negotiate with a powerful NPC for support. The “Chaotic” player deliberately interrupts with irreverent comments, creating tension and undermining the party’s credibility. While roleplaying individualistic characters is a cornerstone of DnD, it should be balanced with a sense of cooperation and consideration for the overall experience.

When one or more of these features manifest themselves and makes all the other players express frustration, stating that they “just can’t deal with a certain individual anymore”, you have a clear signal of toxicity in your TTRPG session.

How to save your Campaign from Toxic Players

Now, after we have identified the potentially toxic behaviour connect you might encounter in your session, let’s try to find some solutions. The following one reppresent my suggestions on what you should do to both prevent, control and (if necessary) “eliminate” the toxic behavior of the player in your TTRPG Campaign.

1) Set the Expectations from the Start

At the heart of every harmonious Campaign is transparent and open communication between its players.

So most of your work as a Game Master to avoid Toxic Players start before the campaign even starts: from laying the groundwork for a positive gaming experience and convening your players for a comprehensive discussion before embarking on your epic adventure is essential.
In my opinion, you should articulate your anticipations concerning conduct, cooperation, and mutual respect: take the opportunity to emphasize that in-game conflicts can indeed be a catalyst for storytelling, but only if they stay within the parameters of the narrative and character arcs.

So, the first step is during the character creation phase by encouraging players to weave personal backstory elements that promote collaboration and minimize potential friction. For instance, a rogue’s motive to seek redemption by aiding others could naturally drive cooperative gameplay.

Then I suggest you to host a “Session Zero” where players collectively outline a set of guiding principles that encompass behavior, communication, and conflict resolution. By collaboratively crafting this “Session Charter,” players have a tangible reference point for maintaining a healthy atmosphere during the campaign.

As an additional suggestion, I give you the following scenario: two characters, a valiant paladin, and a cunning rogue, engage in a heated debate about the moral implications of their next quest. As long as this conflict remains within the boundaries of their respective character profiles and contributes to the narrative, it aligns with the expectations set during your pre-campaign discussion.

In essence, this initial conversation has the key function to set up the cornerstone upon which the camaraderie and fluidity of your campaign will be built. As a Master, if you lay out clear ground rules, you will cultivate an environment where everyone’s contributions are valued and where divergent viewpoints can be harnessed constructively to enhance the collective narrative journey.

2) Address Differences Through Storytelling

Transitioning seamlessly from setting expectations, the following stride in managing hostile players involves employing the power of storytelling itself. Your narrative abilities can become a formidable ally in shaping a positive atmosphere during your DnD campaign. By ingeniously intertwining the resolution of in-game conflicts within your storytelling tapestry, you can craft an engaging tale and instill a deeper appreciation for cooperation and teamwork.

As follows I will give you three ideas on how you can create some valuable scenarios for these interactions:

  1. As the Dungeon Master, you can try to orchestrate a series of events that necessitate their collaboration to overcome formidable challenges. This joint effort resolves their differences and cultivates a sense of shared accomplishment.
  1. Try also to imagine a situation where it is vital to use the diverse talents of each character to unravel its secrets. Try to imagine a situation where a party of three must rescue an essential artifact in a dungeon with both magic and physical traps: in this situation, you will need the wizard’s arcane knowledge, the rogue’s nimble dexterity, and the warrior’s brute strength to reach the objective. This showcases the necessity of cooperation and underscores each character’s unique contributions.
  1. You can design a subplot that revolves around a town (or also a nation) torn by internal strife where it is important that the characters must work together to reconcile opposing factions to restore harmony. This narrative arc can be significant because it compels them to rise above their personal differences and focus on a collective resolution.

Integrating conflict resolution organically into your storytelling compels players to view hostility differently. In this way, rather than perceiving it as disruptive behavior, they witness it as an integral component of character growth and narrative development. This approach not only fosters a harmonious atmosphere but also enhances the immersive nature of your campaign, inviting players to actively participate in collaborative problem-solving within the confines of your fantastical world.

3) Encourage Roleplay and Character Development

Continuing our journey toward a harmonious DnD campaign, we arrive at the doorstep of character development and immersive roleplay. This step seamlessly aligns with the previous strategies, fortifying the foundation of positive interactions and cooperative storytelling. By encouraging players to delve deep into their characters’ motivations, histories, and personas, you create a dynamic framework that discourages hostility and fosters meaningful engagement.

For example you can have the following situation: where the paladin and rogue, protagonists of our narrative, embark on an introspective journey. Encourage players to envision scenarios where their characters’ personal histories intertwine, generating a rich tapestry of shared experiences.

  1. During a downtime session, prompt the paladin to recount a childhood memory that resonates with the rogue’s past. This shared vulnerability can create an emotional bond that transcends surface-level conflicts.
  1. To address the earlier scenario of a rogue impulsively triggering a trap, delve into the rogue’s backstory. Uncover their motivations for such actions, revealing hidden depths that can prompt character growth.
  1. Offer players opportunities to explore their characters’ inner struggles and dilemmas through private conversations or written reflections. This personal insight can encourage empathy and understanding among players.

GM Tip: Consider implementing a reward system to incentivize roleplaying conflicts and their resolution. Acknowledge players who navigate conflicts in-character and resolve them in a manner consistent with their character’s evolution. This reinforces the idea that growth arises from overcoming differences and reinforces the narrative value of cooperative gameplay.

Players become emotionally invested in their characters ‘ progression through this avenue of character development and immersive roleplay. As they traverse the intricate landscapes of personal histories and aspirations, they naturally gravitate toward resolving conflicts that align with their character’s journey. The resulting synergy between character arcs and cooperative storytelling enriches the gaming experience and contributes to the group’s overall unity.

4) Facilitate Constructive Conflict Resolution

This approach, seamlessly woven into the fabric of previous tactics, further solidifies the cooperative essence of your DnD campaign. When tensions simmer between players, fostering an environment where issues can be discussed maturely and respectfully is instrumental in maintaining a harmonious atmosphere.

Remember the same scenario where a rogue impulsively triggered a trap, sparking friction among the party members that goes beyond the frame set by the roleplay. This is where the art of constructive conflict resolution comes into play.

In a situation like this one, you can encourage the players to voice their concerns during a designated interlude, outside the gameplay. This provides a safe space for open dialogue, allowing each party to share their perspective without interruptions.

Then, the Dungeon Master, takes on the role of mediator during these discussions. Steer the conversation toward resolving in-game conflicts and aligning character motivations, ensuring that the focus remains on the narrative and the collective experience.

Tip: Emphasize the importance of preserving the game’s integrity throughout these discussions. It is crucial to remind players that while in-game conflicts can drive the narrative, maintaining a respectful and cooperative environment contributes to the enjoyment of everyone involved.

You’re sowing the seeds of collaboration by nurturing an environment where conflicts are approached with maturity and mutual respect. This approach resolves immediate tensions and reinforces the notion that conflict, when channeled constructively, can yield character growth and narrative richness. Ultimately, your role as Dungeon Master transcends orchestrating battles and plot twists—it includes guiding your players through interpersonal challenges, ensuring that both the game and the camaraderie flourish in tandem.

5) Enforce In-Game Consequences

The abovementioned strategies are sufficient to establish a campaign environment free from toxic behaviors. However, it’s worth considering additional measures. It’s time to introduce strict in-game consequences to elevate your “damage control” strategies. In fact, the principle of in-game consequences is potent in curbing disruptive behavior. Combined with the earlier strategies, it weaves a resilient web fostering cooperative gameplay while discouraging hostility.

In general, to create an exciting game world, you should never forget that there is a symbiotic relationship between character choices and narrative outcomes: this will make your players increasingly invested in crafting a cohesive and positive experience for the group.
In-game consequences serve as mirrors reflecting the influence of their behavior on the world around them. This heightened consciousness enhances the immersion and nurtures a sense of shared responsibility, wherein players acknowledge the far-reaching impact of their decisions—both within the game and in their interactions beyond the gaming table.

In this context the general rule should be to try to make different levels of failure to avoid to destroy a quest when the players fails their interaction with an NPC: however, in the context of Toxic Players, you should consider making the consequences of the actions more impactful, dangerous or even lethal.

The first step is to clarify that the responsibility for managing in-game conflicts lies with the entire group. If a player’s hostility becomes disruptive, involve the entire party in addressing the issue collectively.

Example: When a player expresses hostility, ask the party how their characters would react to such behavior. Let them collectively decide how to handle the situation in character.

However, sometimes, the player’s action can be so disruptive and so different from the rest of the party that this resolution is ineffective and can create dissatisfaction within the players who want to follow the story.

In this context, planning consequences, even potentially lethal ones, for players’ actions can serve as a potent deterrent. This is particularly true for those players who actively stretch the boundaries of chaotic alignment far beyond its intended limits with the desire to break the story and create havoc: this often leads to irrational and unjustified actions that risk harming the party in such a way that it undermines

 other players’ experiences. For instance, when a player consistently strays from the party and mission without substantial justification, apart from a vague sense of adventure, it becomes necessary to devise a series of events to guide them back on track.

In such cases, adopting softer approaches anchored in roleplay can prove effective. For instance, introducing a mentor figure who reminds the players of their responsibilities or uncovering an additional reward that could motivate them to realign with the chosen path of their fellow players. But, when these gentler interventions fall short, resorting to potentially lethal consequences might be an option, initially affecting the “toxic” player and potentially spilling over to the party as a whole.

It’s essential to exercise caution in not allowing the negative repercussions of one individual’s conduct to affect the entire group detrimentally. While it’s reasonable for the party to bear some responsibility, particularly disruptive behaviors are primarily the individual player’s responsibility.

6) Consider Individual Removal

And now we arrive at a crossroads where the most challenging decision beckon: individual removal.

While this step may be disheartening, it’s imperative to acknowledge that the harmony and cohesiveness of the entire group take precedence. If a player consistently perpetuates hostile behavior that undermines the immersive experience, summoning the courage to implement this solution becomes necessary.

Imagine a scenario where conflicts persist despite all prior interventions, causing discord among the group. This is when individual removal becomes a crucial consideration.

A player’s continuous disruptive actions, ranging from undermining decisions to openly belittling fellow players, begin eroding the camaraderie established among the group. Despite your best efforts, their behavior shows no signs of change, and other players express their frustration. A player who consistently disregards the group’s collective objectives and deliberately sabotages missions for the sake of their chaotic alignment hinders the campaign’s progress. Their actions lead to increased tension and a decline in the enjoyment of the majority.

When contemplating individual removal, prioritize the majority’s enjoyment and preserving the game’s integrity. Her are the steps I would take if I were in this complex situation:

  • Transparently communicate your decision to the player in question
  • Clearly explain the rationale behind this choice, underlining its impact on the overall experience, without saying “it was player XYZ that said so” etc.
  • Finally, communicate your decisions to the players. While you are doing so, it is important that you will remember the remaining players that this decision is geared toward safeguarding the campaign’s cooperative essence and narrative richness.

In the end…

Tabletop roleplaying games in their core essence are all about collaboration: collaboration between the master and the players and collaboration between all the party members. For this reason, it is important to defend the relationship between players and guarantee a “safe and balanced” environment for all the players.
Even though you can not think that players will agree with each other on every occasion and there might be conflicts and discussions regarding the campaign, you have to identify and remove possible negative behaviors that lead to toxic behavior and to a frustrating campaign.

Further reading


Here are some articles we used to explain you how to Handle Toxic Players in TTRPGs like Dungeons and Dragons 5e

  • Here is an interesting article made by Drama Dice

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