
Dexterity (DEX)

Dexterity measures a character’s quickness, agility, and balance in the Tabletop Roleplaying Game DnD 5e.

Dexterity Checks:

  1. Acrobatics: Used for gymnastic maneuvers, walking on narrow surfaces, and breaking free from holds.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Applied when discreetly taking or placing an item, like pick-pocketing.
  3. Stealth: Required for moving silently or staying hidden.
  4. Other Checks: Dexterity checks can be called for various activities, such as lockpicking, steering a boat, or skillfully playing an instrument.


  1. Attack and Damage: A dexterity modifier is added to attack and damage rolls with ranged or finesse weapons.
  2. Armor Class: The Dexterity modifier affects a character’s ability to evade attacks.
  3. Initiative: Determines the turn order in combat, based on a roll plus the Dexterity modifier.

Stealth and Detection:

  • When hiding, a Dexterity (Stealth) check is made against a creature’s Perception or Passive Perception to remain unnoticed.

Role in Gameplay:

  • High Dexterity benefits combat by often allowing characters to act before opponents, influencing outcomes like ambushes or surprise attacks.
  • Some races, like Half-Elves, Drow, and Halflings, have inherent Dexterity bonuses.

Arkane Atlas 5e Online Archive

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