
Armor Class (AC)

In Dungeons and Draogns 5e the Armor class is a metric that measures the degree in which a character is able to defend himself/herself from incoming attacks. How can you calculate the Armor Class in D&D 5e? In general, you can use the following formula to determine this value. Keep in mind that it is […]

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Constitution (CON)

Constitution (CON) in DnD 5e measures a character’s health, stamina, and resilience. It reflects how well a character can endure physical or magical challenges, resist poisons, and sustain strenuous activities. Key Aspects: Learn more about Ability Scores in Dungeons and Dragons 5e […]

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Dexterity (DEX)

Dexterity measures a character’s quickness, agility, and balance in the Tabletop Roleplaying Game DnD 5e. Dexterity Checks: Combat: Stealth and Detection: Role in Gameplay: Learn more about Ability Scores in Dungeons and Dragons 5e […]

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Proficiency Bonus (PB)

What is the Proficiency Bonus (PB) in DnD 5e? The Proficiency Bonus is a fixed number added to a character is proficiency check. It establishes a baseline to express a character’s level of expertise based on their level, class, and race. Checks include: This bonus relates to a character’s total level, and its values range […]

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Strenght (STR)

Strength is an ability score that measures a character’s physical power and the ability to use his/her physical power. It has various applications: Learn more about Ability Scores in Dungeons and Dragons 5e […]

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Arkane Atlas 5e Online Archive

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