

.6836 completed the Earn 200 Knowledge Points
.6836 ranked to Rank Arcane Apprentice II
.6836 completed the Your first 1000 KP – You are becoming an expert!
.6836 earned 1000 knowledge points for a new total of 2,100 knowledge points
.6836 completed the Welcome to the A.T.L.A.S, now you can use this coin to unlock new cool stuff!
.6836 earned 1 coins for a new total of 1 coins
AlekVonSilverwelt triggered Log in to website (x393)
AlekVonSilverwelt completed the 5 KP for returning to Arkane Atlas
AlekVonSilverwelt earned 5 knowledge points for a new total of 6,174 knowledge points
AlekVonSilverwelt triggered Daily visit the website (x129)
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