

EdgarBlackbone earned 1 coins for a new total of 1 coins
AlekVonSilverwelt triggered Daily visit the website (x1)
AlekVonSilverwelt completed the 10 HP for daily visit the website 1 time
AlekVonSilverwelt earned 10 knowledge points for a new total of 20 knowledge points
EdgarBlackbone triggered Log in to website (x0)
EdgarBlackbone completed the 1 Gem for log in to website 1 time
EdgarBlackbone earned 1 gems for a new total of 1 gems
EdgarBlackbone completed the 2 Gems for log in to website 1 time
EdgarBlackbone earned 2 gems for a new total of 3 gems
EdgarBlackbone triggered Daily visit the website (x0)
Arkane Atlas 5e Online Archive

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