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Welcome to the A.T.L.A.S. database, your trusted source for comprehensive information on extraordinary creatures: today, we explore the mysterious Dhampir, an intriguing creature in DnD 5e. Join us as we uncover its characteristics, delve into its unique abilities, and evaluate its threat level.

Basic Description: 

The Dhampir is a creature born from the union of a vampire and a mortal. Possessing both human and vampiric traits, the Dhampir exhibits a striking appearance, with pale skin, piercing eyes, and a hint of otherworldly allure. Despite their connection to darkness, they often navigate a delicate balance between their dual nature, caught between the realms of the living and the undead.


Dhampirs inherit a combination of powers from their vampiric lineage and mortal heritage. They possess enhanced senses, agility, and the ability to harness limited vampiric skills, such as increased longevity and a limited form of self-healing. They are adept at tracking and hunting, harnessing their inherited predatory instincts to their advantage.

Threat Level Assessment:


The threat level of Dhampirs is highly variable, depending on their individual development and choices. Although they possess vampiric qualities, their inherent mortality limits their power. However, it is crucial to exercise caution, as some Dhampirs may succumb to their darker nature and embrace their vampiric lineage, escalating their threat level significantly. A.T.L.A.S. recommends monitoring and engaging with Dhampirs on a case-by-case basis to assess their intentions and the potential risks they pose.

Dhampir’s Stat Block

Medium humanoid, any alignment

Armor Class 15

Hit Points 32 (5d8+10)

Speed Walk 30ft.

STR 12 (+ 1)

DEX 15 (+ 2)

CON 14 (+ 2)

INT 10 (+ 0)

WIS 10 (+ 0)

CHA 16 (+ 3)

Saving Throws Str + 1, Dex + 4, Con + 2, Int + 0, Wis + 0, Cha + 5

Skills Athletics +3, Deception +5, Persuasion +5, Stealth +4,

Damage Resistances necrotic

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages Common

Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Undead Resistance. The dhampir has advantage on saving throws against disease.


Multiattack. The dhampir makes two rapier or two shortbow attacks. It can make a grapple attack or Dark Thirst attack in place of any attack.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Dark Thirst. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature that is grappled by the dhampir, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 1 piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. The dhampir regains hp equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt.

Predatory Charm. The dhampir magically beguiles the mind of one humanoid it can see within 30 feet for 1 hour. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or the dhampir has advantage on Charisma checks against the target. If the dhampir or any of its allies damage the target, the effect ends. If the target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends, the target is immune to this dhampir’s Predatory Charm for the next 24 hours. A creature immune to being charmed is immune to this effect. A dhampir can have only one target affected by its Predatory Charm at a time. If it uses its Predatory Charm on another target, the effect on the previous target ends.


As mentioned before, dhampyrs possess pale skin, slightly pointed ears, and striking blood-red eyes: characteristics that definetely distinguish them from ordinary mortals. However, unlike true vampires, sunlight or positive energy does not harm them.

Dhampyrs can trace their ancestry to either male vampires and mortal females or through the biting of pregnant women by vampires. While some dhampyrs experience a mild bloodlust and possess the ability to feed on blood, not all engage in this practice.

One of the defining traits of dhampyrs is their potential for developing supernatural powers. These powers can manifest in various ways, granting them enhanced speed, night vision, the ability to transform into mist, charm enemies, or even derive vitality from consuming blood. The awakening of these vampiric abilities can vary among individuals, sometimes skipping generations or manifesting early in life. Dhampyrs also retain the abilities and characteristics of their mortal heritage, making them formidable and versatile beings.

Behaviour and Environment:

Psychologically, dhampyrs often struggle with a sense of displacement due to their mixed and undead lineage. They exhibit somber and guarded behavior, displaying patience and a dark sense of humor. The extent of their feelings of being outcasts depends on their upbringing and awareness of their vampiric blood. Those raised unaware of their heritage may blend seamlessly into society, while those aware might develop a fascination with death or macabre practices. Some dhampyrs even experience a psychological thirst for blood, grappling with the conflicting nature of their existence.

Dhampyrs occupy a complex position within society, facing both discrimination and recognition from vampires and mortals alike. Born into mortal communities, their treatment is often determined by whether their true nature is known. If their vampiric lineage remains a secret, they can pass as ordinary individuals. However, upon exposure, they frequently face mistreatment and prejudice. Among vampires, dhampyrs are regarded as special but lesser beings, often serving as favored thralls, soldiers, or assassins. In some cases, they are granted the honor of adopting vampire clan names as their own surnames.

Within the dhampyr community, divergent perspectives arise. Some view their heritage as a curse, leading them to become deadstalkers—hunters dedicated to tracking down and eliminating vampires. These individuals channel their abilities and unique knowledge to protect humanity from the darkness that spawned them. Conversely, others consider their lineage a blessing, embracing their supernatural gifts and becoming bloodknights—formidable warriors who wield their powers in battle, making them formidable allies or adversaries.

Confronting a Dhampyr

When encountering a dhampyr, it is essential to approach the situation with caution and a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Knowledge is Key: Gather as much information as possible about dhampyrs and their specific abilities. Consult ancient texts, and legends, or seek guidance from experienced hunters who have encountered these unique beings. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses will prove invaluable in confrontations.
  2. Defensive Measures: Dhampyrs possess enhanced speed and various supernatural powers, making them formidable opponents. Prepare defensive spells or abilities that can shield you from their attacks. Anti-vampire techniques and magical wards may offer additional protection.
  3. Exploit Vulnerabilities: Dhampyrs, like vampires, are vulnerable to certain weaknesses. These may include traditional vulnerabilities such as holy water, silver weapons, or religious artifacts. Exploit their susceptibilities to increase your chances of success in combat.
  4. Adaptability in Combat: Dhampyrs exhibit a diverse range of supernatural abilities. Be prepared for their powers of transformation, misty escape, or charming influence. Swift reflexes, adaptability, and a willingness to adjust your tactics mid-battle will prove advantageous.
  5. Strike with Precision: Dhampyrs can be very dangerous if they bite you, so engaging them in direct melee combat may be challenging. Consider ranged attacks or debilitating spells to weaken them from a distance. Take advantage of any opportunities for surprise attacks or strategic positioning.

By adopting these strategies and maintaining a vigilant approach, adventurers can confront dhampyrs with confidence. While their unique lineage and vampiric abilities make them formidable adversaries, careful planning, knowledge, and the utilization of effective combat techniques can ensure the safety and success of those who dare to face them. A.T.L.A.S. encourages thorough preparation and a cautious approach when encountering dhampyrs, providing the necessary resources and information to navigate these encounters skillfully and precisely.

Further readings

Discover other Undead creatures from the Arkane Atlas Library


The Dhampyr is a DnD 5e Creature from the Monster Manual. Here are the sources used to create this article

  1. Take a look at the artwork for the fascinating Dhampyr
  2. Learn more about Dhampyrs

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